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Equine Services

We offer a range of livery services including flexible part and full normal livery for up to four long term clients and livery with specialist provision for rehabilitation through individual care with outstanding facilities and Class IV Laser therapy on site.  Our special box rest area has two mare and foal size boxes with a small rubber matted yard outside. This helps horses on box rest to remain calm and they enjoy the view over the field. Once ready for starting turnout they can go into a stable sized pen where they can graze and eat hay without the space to move around and injure themselves. We can gradually increase the size of the pen and provide a quiet companion. We work in partnership with your vet to ensure your horse's recovery is as quick and stress free as possible.

Excellent Facilities

Excellent grazing with non-fertilised grass in post and rail fencing paddocks with sub-division by electric fence. Small group grazing in pairs or fours. Small indoor and large outdoor schools. Lunge or free-school round pen and horse walker. Hot wash box and rug room for rug drying. Laundry facilities on site. Large stables indoor and outside; with a special mare and foal or box rest facility. Good security with CCTV and owners on site 24/7. Good local hacking and close to competition centres: Foxhill, Aston-le-Walls, Onley, Dallas Burston and Milton Keynes Event Centre.

Horse Holidays

We cater for people on holiday both with or without their horses or for horses who come for a short term stay while their owners go away. Our little log cabin lets people stay close to the stables and see their horse when they wake up or last thing at night.

'This facility kept my horse sane and he couldn't have had more individual care including his companion next door who often kindly stood inside next to him.' 

'We had a fabulous holiday with our horses and then brought them back for a holiday while we got married'

Canine Hydrotherapy Association registered excellent centre.
National Association of Registered Canine Hydrotherapists registered centre.
Recognised Exam Centre for qualifications in Hydrotherapy and Animal Care.
CAM specialists in Arthritis management.
Veterinary Osteoarthritis Alliance Award recognising specialist knowledge in arthritis management.
Paddocks Farm a haven for rescued animals.

© 2017 by Geri Rowe

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